Great morning on the lake

It’s been a couple of years since Dan and Victor have been out with Watta Bite Charters. They’ve fished us many times. They really enjoy eating the fresh fish caught Salmon. I know as soon as they get home, some fillets were going to hit the grill. Nice to...

Awesome fun!

Tim had fished with Watta Bite Charters before. He always fished Lake Trout. It’s a little different this year with the Salmon so plentiful. We caught some really nice fish. Tim, Tammy, Brooke, Taylor and Ben thank you for another great day on the lake.

Sunrise in the morning!

Check out this sun rise! Every morning is different on Lake Michigan. Josh, Amanda, Jacob and Liam are in the process of visiting all 50 states in the USA.. Michigan is number 29 on their list. They try to fish where ever they go. They hooked up with Watta Bite...

Watta morning!

These big fall King Salmon show NO mercy!Josh was the lucky one to land a big 21 lb. fish. The other one got away at the boat. It’s heart breaking to loose a big King after battling the fish on a 10 color lead core for so long! It’s all good fun! Thank you...

Fun morning on Watta Bite

Paul and Aaron had never fished Salmon before, Alex at 88 years old went along for the good time. The patient older gentleman let everybody else go first. and chose to go last in the rotation. Guess who caught a couple of the biggest fish! Not pictured, but was on the...